Mortgage 101

  Energy prices on the rise and Omaha Public Power District is proposing to increase rates by 5.9%. Omahan’s can expect to see a higher electric bill as temperatures start… READ MORE

When the home-buying process is nearly complete, it’s important to stay focused and continue to be thorough throughout the entirety of a purchase. This includes doing a complete final walk… READ MORE

Choosing the right neighborhood can be a challenging task. Not every neighborhood is right for every family. Whether you’re looking to buy a house to retire in or a house… READ MORE

While there are several reasons to choose the Denman Team as your purchase lender, we’ve picked seven of the best! 1. Strong Relationships with many local realtors If you haven’t… READ MORE

With mortgage rates still at some of the lowest numbers in years, now may be the right time to buy that second home. If this idea is lingering in your… READ MORE